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I guess so. I am unsure if I could just do that or if I have to be cautious if superoperators are involved. I guess if dissipation of the form $\left(2 a \rho a^{\dagger} - a^{\dagger} a \rho - \rho ^{\dagger} a \right)$ is present I also just transform $a$ and $a^{\dagger}$?
@CosmasZachos, can you maybe give me a reference how the Wigner current for the environment is added? I understood from your book the that the part of the system orginates from the Moyal Bracket, but I dont see how I can include the environment analogously.
The link to the experiment is now corrected. Unfortunately we don’t haven’t measured for longer time period, since we didn’t exspected what is shown above. I will check if something went wrong during data processing. Thanks