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questions concerning measurements, experiments, and activities that demonstrate physics and are safe to do at home, require at most one tool or ingredient not readily available, and can be interpreted or analyzed on one sheet of paper with accessible math.

1 vote
1 answer

I have a pair of magnets that when I let go they attracted and broke

I let two magnets attract from a distance and when they hit they both broke a piece off of each-other. Why did the magnets damage each-other when they collided and is it possible to put the broken mag …
Little Bowsette's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why does sound behave differently in water than in air?

I noticed in some experiments at home that sound does not behave the same in water than in air. Is there a good scientific explanation to this? I noticed that the sound sounded distorted in water but …
Little Bowsette's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why do two like poles stick together when one magnet is stronger than the other?

I have two magnets, a weak one and a very strong one. The weak one is a cheap toy magnet, and the strong one is a ceramic magnet. Normally, I would expect that if I orient the magnets so that the two …
Little Bowsette's user avatar