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For questions that utilize the concept of magnetic fields (commonly denoted by the letter B), or for questions whose answers likely involve magnetic fields. More specific than the [magnetism] tag, as questions about the phenomenon & theory of magnetism do not necessarily involve the discussion of fields.

-1 votes
1 answer

Apparent contradiction in Ampere law for a solenoid

This picture in Wikipedia is supposed to explain the solenoid formula for the magnetic field $$B l= \mu_0 N I$$ (assuming steady currents). But this would be true if one consider only the part of the …
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  • 497
1 vote

How does the Poynting vector know who is the primary and who is the secondary of a transformer?

Building on the excellent answer of HTNW (and also thanks to the comments of Ján Lalinský), I wish to elaborate a bit about inverting the primary and the secondary. It is true that the primary and the …
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  • 497
4 votes
5 answers

How does the Poynting vector know who is the primary and who is the secondary of a transformer?

I've read in several places that the Poynting vector is directed from the primary to the secondary of a transformer (we assume here that the primary is the winding that provide the AC energy, while th …
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1 vote
0 answers

Which of these magnets should have the strongest strength at 10cm?

Basically, I need to generate the strongest possible field at 10 cm from a circular magnet, in its central axis. I hesitate about what buying. For example, the following magnet has a large diameter of …
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0 answers

Magnetic field lines of a toroid magnet

I am not sure what are the magnetic field lines of a torroid magnet like this one: In particular, at the center of the magnet, is the field null or is it maximal?
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