Lets see the reaction:
$e^- \mu^- \to e^- \pi^- \nu_\mu \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; {(1)}$
I suppose, that this reaction occurs as follows
$e^- \mu^- \to e^- \mu^- \pi^+ \pi^- \to e^- \pi^- \nu_\mu$
Is it possible at energy less than 2*140 MeV?
The same is for the analogous proton-muon reaction
$p^+ \mu^+ \to p^+ \pi^+ \bar{\nu}_\mu \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{(2)}$
Once more reaction:
$p^+ p^+ \to p^+ p^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \to p^+ n \pi^+ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{(3)}$
What are the experimental data?
P.S. This question is important enough. The main solar reaction is
$p^+ p^+ \to d^+ e^+ \nu_e $
If this reaction occurs as follows
$p^+ p^+ \to p^+ p^+ e^- e^+ \to p^+ n \nu_e e^+ \to d^+ e^+ \nu_e$
then it would require the energy of more than 2*0.511 MeV to take place. Cross section of this reaction will be much less, so the main solar reaction should be
$p^+ p^+ e^- \to d^+ \nu_e $
Edited 20.02.11
Why I think so? I suppose that new particles are created in pairs particle-antiparticle. So the reaction
$e^- e^- \to e^- e^- \pi^- \pi^+ $
requires the energy of more than 2*140 MeV to take place
As well as the reaction
$e^- e^- \to e^- e^- \pi^- e^+ \nu_e$
from symmetry considerations, since there is a decay
$\pi^+ \to e^+ \nu_e$
The same is valid for the reactions (1) (2) (3)
So what is the experimental data on minimum energy of these reactions?