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Energy of moving Sine-Gordon breather

A few days ago I stumbled across the formula for the energy of a moving breather for the sine-Gordon equation $$ \Box^2 \phi = -\sin\phi.$$ The energy in general is given by ($c=1$) $$ E = \int_{-\...
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Proof that infinite set of conservation laws imply no pair production

In QFT in 1+1 dimensions it is known that the presence of an infinite number of conservation laws, specifically in integrable systems like Sine-Gordon, implies that there is no pair production, and ...
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Infinite number of conserved charges for the Sine-Gordon Lagrangian

I recently came across a paper of Witten that talks about the S-matrix of the supersymmetric non-linear sigma model. In the beginning part of the paper, he mentions that theories like the non-linear ...
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