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Why is the Work Done indeterministic when we know $∆V=0$?

Given: In a process on a closed system in closed container, the initial pressure and volume are equal to the final pressure and volume. Comment about the Net Work Done by the System, Net Heat given to ...
gobbledy-gook's user avatar
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Can you plot irreversible but quasi static processes on a $pV$ diagram?

I've often heard that you can't plot irreversible processes on a $pV$ diagram, but what about in the case where you have a quasi static process with friction? There still exists a curve of ...
Alex Gower's user avatar
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When differential of $p$-$V$ $dW$ work equals $-pdV$?

The differential form of the first law takes the form $$dU=\delta Q + \delta W$$ or $$dU=TdS-pdV.$$ First, we know that $TdS=\delta Q$ for reversible process. So we can't say that $dU=\delta Q -pdV$. ...
Antonios Sarikas's user avatar
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Can I tell whether a cycle is reversible or not by the $p$-$V$ diagram?

A thermodynamic process is reversible if the system remains in the equilibrium state throughout. That's what we are told in the book. My doubt is, though, can we judge whether a process is reversible ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Do indicator/p-V diagrams only show reversible processes?

In Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Adkins, it is stated that Since equilibrium state corresponds to definite values of the system parameters, we may represent a quasistatic process by ...
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