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Given a viably physical (isolated), quantum many body Hamiltonian, does an initial state of a superposition of energy eigenstates ever thermalize?

Given a viably physical, quantum many body Hamiltonian of a isolated system, if initially a state is prepared which is a superposition of energy eigenstates in an interval centered at E and E', not at ...
Fibonacci M's user avatar
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Irreversibility as an artificial concept and relationship with quantum mechanics

In my statistical physics classes we are following the book Statistical physics of particles - by Mehren Kardar and we were viewing the derivation of the boltzmann equation and irreversibility . ...
Bidon's user avatar
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Is heat death reversible by thermal or quantum fluctuations given an infinite time?

I'm new here, so apologies if the question doesn't sound meaningful considering what physics is supposed to answer. I don't have a physics or mathematics background, but I did learn a few things about ...
Will Graham's user avatar