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Why is the final temperature of irreversible adiabatic processes higher than that of reversible adiabatic processes?

Suppose an irreversible adiabatic expansion process and a reversible adiabatic expansion process are starting from the same initial state, say, P1V1. Now, let both of these processes have equal ...
Pumpkin_Star's user avatar
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Can adiabatic heat exchange between different temperatures ever be reversible?

I've been told, A volume 2X of Temperature 0.5*(T1+T2) is always at higher entropy than thermally insulated volumes, 'X' at T1, 'X' at T2 put together. Let's take Sys1 (A volume 2X of Temperature 0.5*(...
Diza's user avatar
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Gas behaviour - compression

I have read that the slow compression of a gas results in an increase in its temperature. Is it essential that the gas be compressed slowly? What happens if the gas is compresses quickly?
Shivastu 's user avatar