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Source for Learning? [duplicate]

I am an very ameteur mathematician and physicst (If I can say mathematician and physicst to myself xD). I want to learn topics in physics. Like electromagnetism, mechanic, thermodinamics etc. But I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Understanding Multivariable Calculus without Hand-Waving [duplicate]

I am trying to properly understand multivariable calculus as a physicist and would like to know of any recommendations for textbooks to work through. Ultimately I want to be able to properly ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Mathematics textbooks to understand Jackson electrodynamics

I want a very solid mathematics background that will make going through Jackson's text less challenging. What books would you recommend?
5 votes
2 answers

Hairy ball theorem: references to applications

I'm looking for references to applications of the Hairy ball theorem. This is a result of mathematics (topology), but I am interested in applications. I already visited wikipedia and cited ...