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Introduction to lattice gauge theory for non-high energy physicsts

Can anyone recommend a good introduction to lattice gauge theory (e.g. books, review articles, or lecture notes) that is aimed at/accessible to someone with a background in condensed matter physics, ...
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References on coherent states

I've begun my Master degree final work and I was asked to study in details coherent states. The goal is to apply them to a QFT formalism for a scalar potential effectively decribing the weak field ...
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Good book to study entanglement in detail

Can anybody suggest a good book to know about quantum entanglement? I am a master's student and I have good knowledge of quantum mechanics. I want to know more on this subject. It would also be useful ...
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Mathematical formulation of density matrix on hypersurface in 3+1 formalism

Of course we have a notion of qft in curved spacetime, though I'm not sure how one can represent a particle state on curved spacetime without a timelike Killing vector field (i.e. a particle should ...