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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Numerical reference data for a 3D quantum system with Gaussian potential?

I'm currently writing a numerical code to solve the quantum system (in 3D) with an attractive ($v_0 < 0$) Gaussian potential, $$ V(r) = v_0 \exp(-r^2/r_0^2). $$ It would be nice to have some ...
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Looking at polar representation of wavefunction

I'm looking for all resources where the wavefunction has been seperated into polar form: $$ \psi = \sqrt{\rho} e^{i \phi} .$$ I know this leads to non-linear weirdness, but I am okay with that. I ...
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Textbook discussing a motivation of Schroedinger equation

I am looking for a high-level introduction textbook to quantum mechanics which discusses a motivation behind the Schroedinger equation as completely as possible. In many textbooks I looked at the ...
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1 answer

Implementing the Hartree-Fock method in two dimensions from scratch

I am interesting in writing a complete code for the Hartree-Fock method to improve my understanding of it. It seems relatively complex in three dimensions, so I am wondering if it would be simpler in ...