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For any unitary $U = e^{iA}$, question about the matrix element $A_{pq}$ of matrix $A$ and its functional derivative [closed]

Any unitary operation $U \in U(N)$ can be represented as $U = e^{iA}$, where $A$ is an arbitrary $N \times N$ Hermitian matrix. In the case of a time-independent Hamiltonian $H$, we have $A = -itH$ (...
Jon Megan's user avatar
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Measuring quantum states without violating no-cloning

In Nielsen and Chuang exercise 2.64, the following problem is given: Suppose Bob is given a quantum state chosen from a set $\{ \lvert \psi_1 \rangle, \ldots , \lvert \psi_m \rangle \}$ of linearly ...
jackson's user avatar
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Existence of unitary operator that transforms phase gates

Let me first introduce the entire problem: Let $H$ be an Hermitian operator, $W$ be an Unitary operator and let $S$ be the standard phase gate: $\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 \\ 0 & i\end{pmatrix}$. ...
stacksper's user avatar
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Unitary equivalence between Hermitian operators

Take two (non-zero) Hermitian operators $A$ and $B$. I want to proof that there exists no unitary operator $W$ such that: $$W^{\dagger}AW = A + B$$ For my research I proved this for some specific case ...
stacksper's user avatar
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Mathematical explanation of bra-ket notation in quantum mechanics

$\newcommand{\hp}[1]{\hphantom{#1}}$ We have the entangled state of two pairs of qubits: $$ |\psi \rangle =\frac{1}{2}|0011\rangle-\frac{1}{2}|0110\rangle-\frac{1}{2}|1001\rangle+\frac{1}{2}|1100\...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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Outer Product Other form [closed]

The outer product of a ket $|\psi\rangle$ with a bra $\langle\phi|$ according to the textbook Quantum Computing Explained by D. McMahon, behaves likes an operator. He illustrates this by applying an ...
Yili's user avatar
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CNOT quantum gate output when the control qubit is already in a superposition of states

The CNOT gate output states are clearly defined when the control qubit is in either of the the "pure" state of 0 or 1, as in the following diagram: However, when the control bit is already ...
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Why does entanglement negativity not satisfy the triangle inequality in the usual sense?

I am a bit puzzled, I’ve read in some places, like the original paper by Vidal, that $$ \mathcal{N}(\sum_n a_n \rho_n)\leq \sum_n a_n \mathcal{N}(\rho_n) $$ whenever $a_n \geq 0$ and $\sum_n a_n =1$. ...
FriendlyLagrangian's user avatar
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Quantum Computing: Preparation of the Bell state Notation [closed]

I was watching some lectures on qubits. They were talking about how to generate a Bell state. They described it as follows: Prepare state 00: $$\left |0 \right> \otimes \left |0 \right>$$ Apply ...
STOI's user avatar
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Representing Quantum Gates in Tensor Product Space

I want to write the matrix form of a single or two qubit gate in the tensor product vector space of a many qubit system. Ill outline a simple example: Both qubits, $q_0$ and $q_1$ start in the ground ...
Berk's user avatar
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Rank of a density matix

I was just trying to understand the meaning of rank of a density matrix. I came across the following post, which says that the rank of density matrix is the number of non-zero eigenvalues. And for a ...
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Understanding projective measurements as a special case of POVM measurements ("third postulate" in Nielsen and Chuang)

I am working through Nielsen and Chuang's book and am confused about a detail from sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.5. On page 88 of my copy (section 2.2.5), they write Projective measurements can be ...
NNN's user avatar
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Derive unitary matrix for Tofolli gate

I know that for two qubits, the CNOT matrix is given by $CNOT=P_0 \otimes I + P_1 \otimes X.$ But I cannot figure out how to get the matrix if I have two control qubits, acting on a third, like in ...
Fernando's user avatar
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Why is the projection operator corresponding to $\tilde M$ given by $P_m\otimes I_B$?

Nielsen and Chuang, Chapter 2 (Box 2.6): Suppose $M$ is any observable on a system $A$, and we have some measuring device which is capable of realizing measurements of $M$. Let $\tilde M$ ...
user182786's user avatar
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Which set of basis states can a quantum system of qubits actually collapse to?

I was watching a video on "How Does a Quantum Computer Work?". I'm confused about what they mean by: "Although the qubits can exist in any combination of states, when they are measured they must ...
user182786's user avatar
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Constructing an arbitrary 2-Qbit state

I am reading a book on quantum computing. The author is constructing an arbitrary 2-Qbit state from unitary transformations. I need help understanding on step in his logic. He starts by noting that ...
Max's user avatar
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Which phase shift gate form is correct?

I am trying to figure out the matrix for a gate I'm going to be implementing - a mirror, i.e., a $180^{\circ}$ phase shift. Quantiki gives $$R(\theta)=\begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&e^{2\pi i\theta}\...
auden's user avatar
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How to produce the basis states of a quantum computer?

Suppose you have a one qubit system; the (traditional) basis states are $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$, and any state of the qubit can be described by a linear combination of these two. Now suppose you ...
auden's user avatar
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Equation For a CNOT Gate Matrix, that works on multiple qubits [closed]

So Say I have 3 qubits, $\lvert000\rangle$, And I want to apply a Pauli-X Gate to the second qubit. I know that I can create the matrix that will act on those qubits, using this equation: $$ X_{2,3} =...
Adam's user avatar
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Trace of an operator matrix (Quantum computation and quantum information)

I'm reading the book Quantum computation and quantum information by Mike & Ike and I'm stuck at 2.60/2.61. There, the author says that, given the operator $A|ψ⟩⟨ψ|$, its trace is: $${\rm tr}(A|\...
Red's user avatar
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When is an operator subspace the span of Kraus operators?

Let $A$ and $B$ be finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, and let $\mathcal{L}(A \to B)$ be the space of linear operators from $A$ to $B$. Say that a subspace $K \subseteq \mathcal{L}(A \to B)$ is a span ...
Dan Stahlke's user avatar
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Question about orthonormal decompositions over unitary operators

I'm teaching myself quantum information theory using Nielsen and Chuang's "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" and I'm at a point in the book where the formalism is starting to make ...
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