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Regarding motion [closed]

I am conducting a thoughtful experiment involving a train that accelerates at 10 m/s^2 . The train has a long passage of 12 m, and I am standing in that passage. If I jump up straight and remain in ...
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Regarding Motion

Suppose there is a train that travels from point A to point B, and some distance vertically from point A, there stands an observer, let's name them O1. Beside O1, there is another observer, O2, who is ...
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How Fast Must a Man Run to See Rain Falling horizontally?

The fact that tan 90° is undefined indicates a key issue in the problem. Does this mean it is impossible to observe rain falling at 90 degree? When rain is observed to be falling at 90° with the y-...
Dron Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Can't understand a statement about motion

From the book where I am studying motion, It says Motion is a combined property of the object under study and the observer. There is no meaning of rest or motion without the viewer. I know that, for ...
Daniel Joseph's user avatar
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Do relativity and frame of reference contradict each other? [closed]

Relativity states that nature doesn't depend on how we look at things, and a physical process is the same no matter what perspective we choose to think about it in, and frame of reference is a set of ...
Gracie's user avatar
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General 2D equations of motion in non-inertial relativistic frame of reference

Let's assume that there is inertial frame of reference $S$, and the observer is at the origin of this frame at time (associated with this inertial frame) $t = 0$. The observer has own frame of ...
kbobrowski's user avatar
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Question on relative velocity [closed]

If a man is moving on a horizontal belt (with constant velocity w.r.t belt)which is also moving in the same direction with some velocity , then time w.r.t belt and w.r.t ground to travel some ...
Kshitij Kumar Srivastava's user avatar
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If we are in the car, we see the trees on the street are moving backwards. Do the trees have kinetic energy?

I copied this question from the internet. I thought about it but I can't make out the meaning of the statement.
veronika's user avatar
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Two Trains Relative Motion [closed]

I am confused about finding the solution to this relative motion problem: You are on a train traveling east at speed of 20 m/s with respect to the ground. Your friend is sitting on another train ...
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