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3 answers

How do you prove the formula for momentum? [closed]

I am just an absolute beginner to physics. I've seen a proof of the formula for momentum using Newton's second law of motion, but to prove Newton's second law of motion you have to use the formula for ...
Seeking_The_Truth's user avatar
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Can something have momentum but not velocity?

The idea of momentum is fundamental, even more fundamental than velocity or mass. But I was wondering can momentum exist without velocity, since momentum can exist without needing mass? Thinking ...
Habouz's user avatar
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How to prove the relativistic momentum? [duplicate]

As far as I know, the relativistic momentum of a particle is given by the equation: $$p=\frac{m_0v}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$$ where $m_0$ is the mass of the particle and $v$ is the velocity of the ...
Display name's user avatar
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How should I think about a block-and-tackle configuration weight-lifting machine?

At my gym, some of the weight machines provide a double mechanical advantage using a gun tackle pulley configuration. For a long time when I was using such machines, I convinced myself that if I were ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
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Collision of bullets with dish to hold it in space.

A dish of mass $10\ g$ is kept floating horizontally in the air by firing bullets, each of mass $5\ g$, with the same velocity, at the rate of $10$ bullets per second and the bullets rebound with the ...
mnulb's user avatar
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A question regarding 3 bodies connected as a system

Let us consider three bodies of equal mass connected to each other with 2 ideal strings of length l. The three bodies are placed in a straight line In this arrangement there is 1 body connected to 2 ...
Sashurocks's user avatar
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Conservation of linear momentum magnitude along a trajectory

I was once criticized for "taking angular momentum as momentum going in a circle". I was loosely trying to state, in classical mechanics, that in using conservation of momentum, one can switch between ...
babou's user avatar
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Difference between momentum and kinetic energy

From a mathematical point of view it seems to be clear what's the difference between momentum and $mv$ and kinetic energy $\frac{1}{2} m v^2$. Now my problem is the following: Suppose you want to ...
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