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Determining a direction/projection/heading for an object in 3D space after it has been rotated

I hope this is a good place to find an answer. Regardless, Worldbuilding looks like a great forum to follow. I'm not a math wiz and I've tried to tackle this problem many times over the past decade or ...
edasac's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

At what point does force stop translating an object and start purely rotating it? [duplicate]

At what point (or distance) from the axis of rotation, does force applied on a rigid body stop translating and purely rotating the body? Can such a point even exist? Does the body always have to ...
Vatsal Manot's user avatar
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1 answer

Finding The Trajectory of particle Kept on a rotating surface

Suppose we "Keep" a particle on a circular, rotating turn-table, rotating with constant angular velocity $\dot{\theta}$, (i.e, the at $t=0$,when the particle makes contact with the table, the ...
satan 29's user avatar
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Computing angular acceleration of a composition of coordinate frame transformations

Given two coordinate frames $A$ and $B$, we can define the transformation between them by: $[\vec r_{AB}]_A$, the vector from the origin of $A$ to the origin of $B$ (resolved in frame $A$), and $q_{...
2012rcampion's user avatar
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2 answers

Intuition for formula of tangential component of acceleration in general curvillinear motion

In certain problems of plane motion, the position of the particle P is defined by its polar coordinates $r$ and $\theta$. It is then convenient to resolve the velocity and acceleration of the particle ...
sarthak-ag's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the advantage of using a polar coordinate system with rotating unit vectors?

What is the advantage of using a polar coordinate system with rotating unit vectors? Kleppner's and Kolenkow's An Introduction to Mechanics states that base vectors $\mathbf{ \hat{r}}$ and $\mathbf{\...
Albert's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Derivative of transformation matrix for 6-DOF dynamics

I'm implementing a planner for a 6-DOF underwater robot and I'm using the dynamics derived in chapter 7.5 of Fossen's HHandbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control. I'm using the ...
Toms42's user avatar
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Why does the radius of curvature is constant in $n$-$t$ coordinate kinematics?

Deriving the relations kinematics on an $n$-$t$ coordinate system is said that if we have a particle $A$,after differential of time $dt$ the particle moves to $A'$. Assuming a curvilinear motion, the ...
Andrés Morales's user avatar