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Is it possible for the universe to return to the exact current state if information cannot be lost?

My understanding is that, if information in the universe cannot be lost, it will always be possible (in principle) to tell which prior state of the universe has led to the current state. Is this true ...
Mohammad Abu-Zidan's user avatar
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Does bitcoin mining take work?

I'm neither a professional in cryptocurrency nor physics, but an interesting idea occurred to me. Bitcoin involves mining, which generates a lot of heat as waste. Is the amount of heat produced by a ...
John Hon's user avatar
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What's the difference between burning a book and throwing it into a black hole [duplicate]

There is a big concern about loosing information inside a black hole. As far as I understand, the black hole is characterized classically by its mass, angular momentum and charge. Semi-classically, ...
p6majo's user avatar
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Is information lost in the Heisenberg's uncertainty?

If I set a particle at a known momentum and a known position, then I would expect that I know the precise position and momentum upon measurement (assuming I can measure that well). The uncertainty ...
Sonny6155's user avatar
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Why is it necessary to irreversibly erase a memory?

I know that the most accepted resolution of the Maxwell's demon paradox was proposed by Landauer and revolves around the fact that the demon's memory is finite and will have to be erased at some point....
user140255's user avatar
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Entropy: subjective lack of knowledge that leads to objective conclusions

There is something I really don't get about entropy. Let's consider a classical system (not quantum mechanics here). We can compute the entropy of a system via the formula $$S=-\sum_l P_l Log(P_l)$$ ...
StarBucK's user avatar
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How irreversible processes are possible? [duplicate]

Susskind says that all laws of mechanics are reversible and any valid mechanic law most be reversible: you can always determine the previous state of any physically valid system. However, the simplest ...
Val's user avatar
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