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3 answers

If an observer was trapped in a closed box with no way to interact with the external surroundings how will he know if he is moving or at rest [duplicate]

I am a high-school student. Recently we learned the concepts of relative motion and velocity. The idea that anything in motion can subsequently be at rest depending on the frame of reference ...
AMAL's user avatar
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Principle of Relativity and the invariance of Newton's law in IRFs

Newton's law are form invariant under the coordinate substitutions: $$ \tilde{x^{i}}=x^{i}+a^{i} $$ This means that Newtons' equation of motion, $$ F^{i}=m \frac{d^{2} x^{i}}{d t^{2}} $$ (where $i=1,2,...
HRTninja's user avatar
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5 answers

If motion relative to a frame of reference is purely relative, how do we account for the work done to move relative to the frame of reference?

I get the idea that everything is in motion, and there's no absolute reference frame for everything. But when we consider local events, like a train passing through a town, I have trouble accepting ...
Justin Palmer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can we really not tell if we are moving?

It has been a while since I've thought about physics, however, I remember something about how if you are on a train with no windows that is going perfectly straight and is perfectly smooth, there is ...
CumminUp07's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

While jumping in a high speed train why we fall on same place? [duplicate]

while we jump inside a high speed train why do we fall on the exact place? as train is in high speed and we are jumping so we should fall backside. but this doesn't happen why?
girish somani's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to tell whether the space ship is moving or not?

Consider a space ship which is not under any force. Being inside the space ship, I will make a robotic fly from the platform to crawl inside using my remote. For simplicity assume that space ship will ...
Sensebe's user avatar
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Inertial Frames of Reference - Inertial vs. Accelerated Frames

According to Robert Resnick's book "Introduction to Special Relativity", a line states the following as the definition of an inertial frame of reference: "We define an inertial system as a frame of ...
Ram Sidharth's user avatar