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Where to apply $\nabla$ operator when taking curl of a cross product?

In my EM class we went over $$\nabla\times \frac{\vec{d}\times \vec{r}}{r^3}$$ which apparently can be breaken down to $$r(d\cdot \nabla)\frac{1}{r^3}-d(r\cdot\nabla)\frac{1}{r^3}+\frac{\nabla\times(d\...
sasssu's user avatar
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Vector addition for differentials in the context of electric potential

Recently, my professor drew the following diagrams to explain $\vec{ds}$ (in the context of electric potential, where $$V=-\int\vec{E}\cdot\vec{ds}$$ He showed us the following diagrams and ...
JBatswani's user avatar
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Vector question, differentials, Electromagnetism

I was reading this demonstration of electric potential in my book: Let $q$ be a point charge at point $P$ The Electric field created at point $M$ by $q$ is : $$\vec{E}(M) = \...
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