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Derivative wrt retarded time

I am confused by the following statement in footnote of Griffiths 4th edition (page 446): $$\frac{\partial }{\partial t_r} = \frac{\partial }{\partial t},$$ where $$t_r=t - \frac{\mathscr{r}}{c}$$ ...
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How does a charged particle behave in a vector potential?

I know that a charged particle interacts with a magnetic field through the Lorentz force, thus knowing how it behaves in a given magnetic field. However, I don't understand how a charged particle (be ...
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Confusion in adding constant to magnetic vector potential

The $x$-component of $B$ is: $B_x=\dfrac{\partial {A_z}}{\partial y}-\dfrac{\partial {A_y}}{\partial z} =\dfrac{\partial {(A_z+C_1)}}{\partial y}-\dfrac{\partial {(A_y+C_2)}}{\partial z}$ where $...
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