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The conservative force [closed]

I read about the definition of the curl. It's the measure of the rotation of the vector field around a specific point I understand this, but I would like to know what does the "curl of the ...
Dirac-04's user avatar
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What is the curl of $k\hat{r}/r^n$?

I'm trying to find the curl of ${\bf F}(r) = k \hat{r}/r^n$. I think that this converts to: $$ k\left(\frac{\hat{x}}{r} + \frac{\hat{y}}{r} + \frac{\hat{z}}{r}\right)\frac{1}{(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)^{n/2}} ...
AnkilP's user avatar
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Clarification about some steps in the derivation of the Lie derivative (mechanics)

First of all, this question may seem to be undefined, because I'm not sure how to connect this (to me) newly introduced concept with the abstract notion of the Lie derivative. I'm not even sure if I ...
Soba noodles's user avatar