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Why does $\rm{H_2 O}$ have 12 degrees of freedom?

I know there will be 3 translational D.O.F. and 3 rotational D.O.F., and it can have 4 vibrational D.O.F. (one potential and one kinetic) for each O-H Bond. But from where does 2 more D.O.F. come from?...
Ujjwal's user avatar
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7 votes
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Specific heat capacity vs KE gain of particles

To increase the temperature of 1kg of water by 1C you need 4200J of energy. However, the KE gain is only $\frac{3}{2} k_B \Delta T \cdot 6.02\cdot 10^{23} \cdot \frac{1000}{18} = 692.3$J. Where does ...
Edward Garemo's user avatar
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Why does water have 9 degrees of freedom and that too all vibrational?

How does water has 9 degrees of freedom? If it can vibrate about all three atoms then why can't a diatomic molecule also have 2 instead of 1 possible vibrations? I haven't studied quantum mechanics ...
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