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Relation between fixed constraints and time derivative of the Lagrangian

I have had some trouble interpreting and proving the following statement from Fasano, Marmi's "Analytical Mechanics" (page 139): "... ${\partial L}/{\partial t} \neq 0$ (1) only if the ...
Matteo Menghini's user avatar
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Explicit Example of Computing the Action [closed]

I have been dealing with this problem for awhile and I have almost given up. I am asked to compute the action for a free particle going from $x = x_0 = 0$ at time $t = t_0=0$ to its end point $x = x_1 ...
MathZilla's user avatar
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Lagrangian Dynamics of an inverted Spherical Cart Pendulum

Introduction I have to come up with a PD-controller for an inverted Spherical Cart Pendulum, therefore I tried to compute the Dynamics of such a Pendulum. The Spherical Cart Pendulum is a hybrid ...
Jonathan Kinzel's user avatar
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Difference between eigenvalues of the potential energy Hessian vs. "generalized" eigenvalues with respect to a kinetic energy "metric"

Simple version Consider if we have a Lagrangian defined by $$L(q,\dot{q}) = \frac{1}{2} g_{ij}(q) \dot{q}^i \dot{q}^j - U(q) \tag{1a}$$ where the potential energy $U(q)$ has a single minimum at $q=0$ (...
Kai's user avatar
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Rigid bodies: angular velocities, momentum, Inertia Tensor, rotational kinetic energy. Books suggestions? [duplicate]

I'm having a hard time with understanding how to model the rotational kinetic energy of rigid bodies. I will appreciate any good suggestion about resources such as books or videos regarding topics ...
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Motion equations for Woodpecker toy (multibody system)

I am trying to understand a rigid multibody model of a Woodpecker toy (see figure below). Now I am not going to go into details about the model or justify this approach, I am just trying to understand ...
SimpleProgrammer 's user avatar