Linked Questions

6 votes
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Reasons to suspect that matter is emitted from black holes non-thermally

Quote: "One has reasons to suspect that this matter is emitted from the black hole nonthermally, more or less as it came in, after doing a traversal of the interior regions." Ron Maimon in ...
vtt's user avatar
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Why do black holes have to disappear?

I read about Hawking radiation in Wikipedia and understood black holes may disappear over a long period of time. But my question is why does it have to disappear, because after some time of radiation ...
Sreeraj Chundayil's user avatar
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Do particles in a black hole stay in constant orbit?

Would particles behave the same way as a satellite orbiting earth, only far more compact and rapid correlating to the gravitational force of the black hole?
Neuromeda's user avatar
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Event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?

Consider this a followup question of this Phys.SE post. In the classical schwarszchild solution with an eternal black hole, the user falls through the event horizon in finite local time, but this ...
lurscher's user avatar
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What does black hole formation and evaporation actually look like as viewed from far away?

Many people on Physics SE (myself included) have been confused about what black hole formation and evaporation look like when viewed from far away. For example: Does any particle ever reach any ...
tparker's user avatar
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Thought experiment: ultra-fast outward push inside a black hole

Suppose I have a classical schwarzchild Black hole $B$ of mass $M$. And consider a spherical-subset (or sub-black-hole if you will) $B'$ (sharing the same singularity and having mass $M'$ (We will ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Do black holes evaporate prior to crossing their event horizon? [duplicate]

Bob falls into a black hole, watched by Alice who is far away. Alice sees Bob asymptotically approach the event horizon while his clock asymptotically approaches 12:00 noon as his image redshifts (...
Matt's user avatar
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Do muons decay before they hit the singularity?

There is few questions about particles reaching the singularity, but none of them answer my question. Does any particle ever reach any singularity inside the black hole? How fast does a black hole ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is Hawking Radiation compatible with a GR solution with an Infalling Observer Crossing the Event Horizon?

EDIT: See my answer. Question is malformed as it was based on the assumption that something like Hawking radiation (i.e. mass draining) occurred prior to the formation of the event horizon based ...
Peter Gerdes's user avatar
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A question about Kerr black holes and Hawking radiation

It's a common myth that somoene falling into a black hole will see the entire history of the universe before they cross the event horizon. With a Kerr black hole however, it's sort of true. The inner ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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