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Does a particle falling into a black hole ever reach the center? [duplicate]

Once an object or particle passes the event horizon, will it ever reach the center of the blackhole. I ask this from my elementary understand of relativity. This is my understanding: if an object ...
daniel's user avatar
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If it takes infinitely long for someone to fall in a black hole, wouldn't it evaporate first? [duplicate]

Let's say I decide to jump into a large black hole. A distant observer never sees me enter the black hole, but he does see the black hole evaporate. According to this reasoning, I would then keep ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Is it possible for things to fall past the event horizon? [duplicate]

Everything I can find says that time dilation approaches infinity at the event horizon of a black hole. Black holes evaporate over a finite amount of time. Wouldn't this imply that somebody falling ...
nocies's user avatar
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Would a black hole evaporate before reaching the event horizon? [duplicate]

Consider Alice approaching a black hole while Bob observes her journey from a distance. Due to the large gravitational field surrounding the black hole, Bob observes Alice her clock to slow down as ...
Krokeledocus's user avatar
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How fast does a black hole appear to decay from infalling observer's perspective? [duplicate]

Black holes eventually decay by emitting radiation. It can take a long time. But from an outsider's perspective. How long does it take from the perspective of someone falling into it? I understand ...
laggingreflex's user avatar
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Who wins the race between an astronaut falling towards a black hole and the event horizon shrinking due to Hawking radiation? [duplicate]

From an external point of view, an astronaut falling towards a black hole takes an infinite amount of time to reach the horizon, while the horizon vanishes in finite time due to Hawking radiation. ...
QuadmasterXLII's user avatar
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Considering Hawking radiation, can an object ever actually cross event horizon of a black hole? [duplicate]

The Schwarzschild solution of Einstein's field equations clearly shows that a far away observer sees time slow down for an in-falling object. Relative to him, it takes an infinite amount of time for ...
JeffK's user avatar
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Given the time dilation at the event horizon plus black hole evaporation, can anything really ever enter a black hole? [duplicate]

There are many thought experiments about what it would be like to fall into a black hole, spaghettififaction, the singularity at the center and so on. But to me it seems that no object could actually ...
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
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Does a black hole evaporate by the time an observer reaches the singularity? [duplicate]

Assume you are an invincible observer who falls into a blackhole... Your time runs slower than the universe outside, as you get closer and closer to the singularity, the ratio between your time and ...
rep_movsd's user avatar
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Would you reach a singularity before evaporation of the black hole? [duplicate]

When going to a physics camp the other day, we discussed the Schwarzchild-metric for a rotational symmetric non-spinning black hole and its famous time-dilation properties. However, we know that ...
Isky Mathews's user avatar
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Would an observer at infinity see a black hole decay before anything reaches the event horizon? [duplicate]

I’ve just watched a lecture on black holes by Leonard Susskind. He states that it takes an infinite amount of time to an outside observer for an object to reach the event horizon. However, a black ...
Joseph Foster's user avatar
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How can anything ever fall into a black hole as seen from an outside observer?

The event horizon of a black hole is where gravity is such that not even light can escape. This is also the point I understand that according to Einstein time dilation will be infinite for a far-away-...
Matt Luckham's user avatar
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Understanding Time Dilation at the Event Horizon

I was recently reading about the event horizon of black holes and came across the fact that, to a "stationary" observer, it takes forever for someone to fall into a black hole. The sources claim that ...
dts's user avatar
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Will a black hole eventually turn into a neutron star?

As far as i understand, black holes radiate away energy in form of Hawking Radiation. Thus, they lose mass, i suppose. Is there a point where the mass becomes too small for the object to still be a ...
kutschkem's user avatar
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Why does an evaporating black hole always stay a black hole?

Stars can only collaps and form black holes if their masses are above the Chandrasekhar limit, $M>M_{\rm Pl}^3/M_{\rm hydrogen}^2$. When the universe eventually cools down enough, the black holes ...
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