Linked Questions

7 votes
3 answers

Flux through side of a cube

I am looking at Griffiths introduction to Electrodynamics 3rd ED. Problem 2.10 asks for the flux of $E$ through the right face of the cube, when a charge $q$ is in the back left corner of the cube. ...
yankeefan11's user avatar
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5 answers

Electric flux through an infinite plane due to point charge

What would be the total electric flux $\Phi_E$ through an infinite plane due to a point charge $q$ at a distance $d$ from the plane? I think it should be $\frac{q}{2\epsilon_0}$, but I cannot justify ...
Sillysack Buttowski's user avatar
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1 answer

Electric flux through finite width/ infinitely long plane due to a point charge

The question is as follows: Consider a point charge Q placed at $(0,h,0)$ (Cartesian coordinates). Find the flux in an area formed by $y=0$, $z\leq0$, $x\geq l$ and $x\leq a$ $( l\leq x\leq a )$. I ...
AGV121's user avatar
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3 answers

Flux through a surface as a limit of shrinking volume [closed]

Two point charges $q$ and $—q$ are separated by the distance $2L$. Find the flux of the electric field strength vector across a circle of radius $R$. Now, I don't understand the answer given by the ...
LSS's user avatar
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Electric Flux by Gauss Law

I know that if we want to find the magnitude of the total electric flux through the four faces of a tetrahedron consisting of $4$ equilateral triangles containing a charge $+q$ located at the center ...
Han Sen's user avatar
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Flux through faces of cube if charge is placed at an edge-center

The charge at edgecenter will be shared by 4 cubes so each cube will get $q/4\epsilon$ . The adjacent faces of the edge ( where the charge is located ) will have $0$ flux through them as no Electric-...
SSsaha's user avatar
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2 answers

Density of flux lines [closed]

In the given figure flux through surface $\,\rm S_1\,$ is $\,\Phi_1\,$ and through surface $\,\rm S_2\,$ is $\,\Phi_2$. Which option is correct? (A) $\quad \Phi_1\boldsymbol{=}\Phi_2$ (B) $\quad \...
Aashita's user avatar
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Electric flux through each of the sides of the cube at point a

Charge q is very close to vertex a, so I'm treating it as if it were on vertex a, and I'm trying to get the flux going through the 3 surfaces intersected at g, and the answer my book gives me is 1/8 q/...
khaled014z's user avatar
1 vote
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Electric flux through five surfaces of cube

Consider a region in free space bounded by the surfaces of an imaginary cube having sides of length $a$ as shown in the Figure. A charge $+Q$ is placed at the centre $\mathrm O$ of the cube. $\mathrm ...
Rishi Shekher's user avatar
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How to find electric flux through a surface due a point charge [closed]

So, I'm trying to solve this problem for my assignment, A point of charge, Q = 3 nC, is located at the origin of a cartesian coordinate system. What flux crosses the portion of the z=2 m plane for ...
yntkts's user avatar
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Field at the center of a cube with positively and negatively charged faces [duplicate]

I'd like to share an interesting physics problem with the Physics SE community, one I found in a Russian Physics Olympiad Paper (without solution) An insulating hollow cube of edge length $L$ has ...
stoic-santiago's user avatar