Imagine for a second that I was in a college dorm room frustrated that all the dryers were broken or in use. I'm impatient and not a jerk so I don't wait or take out someone else's laundry, I shoot it into space with the ability to get it back and land it successfully on my campus. Ignoring practicality of course:
How would my clothes react? Would the water in them freeze? Would the water just dissipate into the rest of space? Would it boil if it were in the light of the sun?
I'm curious about three cases: One, where the clothes are in a general vacuum regardless of the effect of the sun. Two, where my clothes are specifically behind the Earth and so they are eclipsed by the Earth. Three, where my clothes are specifically between the Earth and the sun.
For those willing to make the argument that this is a silly topic: would it or would it not have implications with space suits? Thanks!