Greiner in his book Field Quantization page 180 & 181 wrote:
As shown in (7.24) the Lorenz condition cannot be enforced as an operator identity. Instead we will use it as a condition for the state vectors in Hilbert Space $|\Psi\rangle$. Only those state vectors are admitted for which the expectation value of the gauge condition is satisfied:
$$\langle\Psi|\partial^\mu\hat{A}_\mu(x)|\Psi\rangle=0\tag{7.48} $$
And finally he constructed a condition to pick out the physical states $|\Psi\rangle$
from which he achieved (7.48).
Below is my question:
Suppose all that we will discuss is in the physical state space $V=\{|\Psi\rangle\}$, now (7.48) would mean $\partial^\mu\hat{A}_\mu(x)=0$ in this space $V$, but this is apparently not true, since even the most trivial condition failed $$\partial^\mu\hat{A}_\mu(x)|0\rangle=\partial^\mu\hat{A}^{(-)}_\mu(x)|0\rangle\neq0$$
since $\hat{A}^{(-)}_\mu(x)$ consists of creation operators.
So what happened?