I’ve been studying Tremaine's Dynamics of Planetary Systems and have hit a roadblock.
In Chapter 4, titled 'The $N$-body Problem,' there is a derivation of the $N$-body equations of motion, which can be expressed as follows:
$$ \ddot{\vec{r}}_{j} = \sum_{k = 0 \\ k \neq j}^{N-1} \frac{Gm_{k} \left(\vec{r}_{k} - \vec{r}_{j} \right)}{|\vec{r}_{j} - \vec{r}_{k}|^{3}} \, , j = 0, ..., N-1. $$
To rewrite these equations of motion in the astrocentric frame, we introduce $\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{m} = \vec{r}_{m} - \vec{r}_{0}$. Substituting this into the equation above allows us to express it as follows: $$ \ddot{\vec{r}}^{\, \star}_{j} = \sum_{k = 0 \\ k \neq j}^{N-1} \frac{Gm_{k} \left(\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} \right)}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} - \sum_{k = 1}^{N-1} \frac{Gm_{k} \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} \\ \iff \ddot{\vec{r}}^{\, \star}_{j} = - \frac{Gm_{0} \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j}}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j}|^{3}} + \sum_{k = 1 \\ k \neq j}^{N-1} Gm_{k}\left[\frac{\left(\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} \right)}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} - \frac{ \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} \right] \, , j = 0, ..., N-1. $$
However, Equation (4.5) in Tremaine's Dynamics of Planetary Systems includes an extra factor of $m_{j}$ in the first term. Why is that?
$$ \ddot{\vec{r}}^{\, \star}_{j} = - \frac{G\left(m_{0} + m_{j}\right)\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j}}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j}|^{3}} + \sum_{k = 1 \\ k \neq j}^{N-1} Gm_{k}\left[\frac{\left(\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} \right)}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{j} - \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} - \frac{ \vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}}{|\vec{r}^{\, \star}_{k}|^{3}} \right] \, , j = 0, ..., N-1. $$