I am trying to learn special relativity. My goal is to prove that given the fact that a 4-vector $\mathbf{x}$ is transformed as $\mathbf{Lx}$, between two inertial reference frames where $\mathbf{L}$ is Lorentz transformation matrix, there exists a dual-vector $\mathbf{x'}$ (a.k.a. the covariant vector) related to $\mathbf{x}$ by a linear transform $\mathbf{\eta}$ s.t. the dot product of $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{x'}$ remains invariant between the two reference frames. i.e.,
$\mathbf{x^{'T}}\mathbf{x} = (\mathbf{Lx'})^T (\mathbf{Lx})$
The LHS is the dot product between $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{x'}$ in frame 1 and the RHS is the dot product measured in frame 2. I use the matrix notation in computer science and linear algebra books as that is the one I am comfortable with. But this gives me:
$(\mathbf{\eta x})^Tx = (\mathbf{L \eta x})^T(\mathbf{Lx})$
$\mathbf{x^T} \mathbf{\eta ^ T} x = \mathbf{x^T} \mathbf{\eta ^ T} \mathbf{L^T} \mathbf{L} \mathbf{x} $
requiring $\mathbf{L^T} \mathbf{L} = \mathbf{I}$ or equivalently stated $\mathbf{L^T} = \mathbf{L^{-1}}$ i.e., $\mathbf{L}$ is a rotation matrix. And there are no constraints on $\mathbf{\eta}$. The hope was to derive that $\mathbf{\eta} = \textrm{diag}(-1, 1, 1, 1)$. Also we know that $\mathbf{L}$ is not a rotation matrix so above is saying it is not possible to find a dual-vector s.t. the dot product will be invariant in the two reference frames. Where have I gone wrong?