By definition, the induced metric $h_{ab}$ is given by
where $u^a,v^b$ are arbitrary tangent vector fields to the hypersurface, and this expression is valuated at a point $p$ on the hypersurface.
Let $X^a$ be one of the Killing vector fields, and it induces a diffeomorphism $\phi_t$, so $\phi_t^*g_{ab}=g_{ab}$. Therefore,
In the 3rd line, we used the fact that $\phi_{t*}u^a,\phi_{t*}v^b$ are both tangent vector fields to the hypersurface, as $X^a$ is one of the generators. In the 4th line, we used the definition of the induced metric again. Since $u^a,v^b$ are arbitrary, we conclude that