I couldn't understand the following excerpt (from the book "Astronomy - Principles and Practice 4th ed. - A. Roy, D. Clarke")
The month is the next period of any significance to our watcher. During this time, the ideas about the heavens and their movements change. It will be noted that after a few nights the first group of stars seen above the eastern horizon just after sunset is markedly higher at first sight, with other groups under it becoming the first stars to appear. Indeed, after a month, the first group is about thirty degrees above the eastern horizon when the first stars are seen after sunset.
I just got reading, so I don't know anything about Astronomy. I tried to install Stellarium to check it out myself.
My initial thought was, maybe this apparant movement of $30°$ was due to earth's revolution. But it was absurd when I found the following details for a star named "$β$ Ara"
On $1/9/2022$:- Azimuthal coordinates $+193°45' , +11°28'$
On $1/10/2022$:- Azimuthal coordinates $+207°11' , +1°51'$
So where is the $30°$ shift? Please help, I will be grateful!