I am trying to calculate the change in frequency of a photon emitted by beacon that has a circular orbit with $r=r_1$. In $r_2 >r_1$ there is a static observer that observes the photon when he, the beacon and the BH are in a aligned. This means that the photon is not emitted in a radial trayectory.
I calculate it using an orthonormal basis. For the observer
$$\hat{e}_0=\bar{U}_{obs}=\frac{dt}{d\tau}\partial_t=\frac{1}{(1-\frac{r_s}{r_2})^{1/2}}\partial t$$
and for the beacon
where this follows from normalization of $\bar{U}^2=-1$, and $\Omega=d\varphi/dt$. Then
$$\frac{\omega_{obs}}{\omega}=\frac{-g(k,\hat{e}_{0,obs})}{-g(k,\hat{e}_{0,em})}=\left(\frac{1-\frac{3r_s}{2r_1}}{1-\frac{r_s}{r_2}}\right)^{1/2} \frac{1}{1+\Omega\;\frac{g(k,\partial\varphi)}{g(k,\partial_t)}}$$
I got stucked in this part. I know that both $\partial_t$ and $\partial_\varphi$ are Killing vectors, so the g( , ) are conserved quantities
but now, with respect to what observer should i evaluate this? Any help is appreciated.