
I was studying light as electromagnetic radiation in Feynmann's lectures book (Vol. 1, Ch. 28) and, in explaning how radiation works, he gives the following expression for the electric field at a point in space generated by a moving point charge :

enter image description here

In most references i could find, the expression for the electric field only takes the first term, which originates from Coloumb's law:

enter image description here

My questions then are, where does the expression given by Feynmann come from, or how can it be proved? And are there any references that give an explanation/derivation for it?

Thanks for the help.

References for the images:

(1) 28 - Electromagnetic Radiation. https://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_28.html

(2) Electric Field due to a Uniformly Charged Ring. https://medium.com/swlh/electric-field-due-to-a-uniformly-charged-ring-6b0adcbf7b8d
