I am taking an undergraduate course in E&M following Griffiths.
I was wondering if there is a good way to embed the information of a dipole into the charge distribution (and if it would be of any use) as the limit of some function similar to a Dirac delta function, or modeling it in some other manner. I know that you can write a pure dipole as a limit where the distance between two point charges tends to $0$ but the dipole moment of the system does not.
My Thoughts and Ideas so far (Limited to 1D):
Using two delta functions and a limit for the distance. This solution is awkward and feels like it involves too many working parts to be a satisfactory solution - I would prefer just a single limit as opposed to three of them.
So, I was experimenting with functions like $nxe^{-nx^2}$ which have a total charge of $0$. However, this does not work since the dipole moment still tends to $0$ when $n$ tends to $\infty$.
My Question: Is there anywhere in physics, where a charge distribution with a dipole would be used? If so, is there an agreed upon definition for such a function? (Like the Dirac delta with the Integral of Product rule and unit area property?)
If not, then is there any other way of defining/modeling a pure dipole more concretely (directly?) rather than through the multipole expansion.