Imagine a small amount of gas in a container. Would it theoretically be possible to measure the positions and momenta from all the gas particles? Would there be a hard limit? What would the barriers be?
Would there also be a difference in the case the particles would act classically? (because the hard limit would be obviously heisenbergs indeterminacy relation)
Basically I am trying to understand how small you can theoretically make the phase space volume in $\Gamma-$space.
I am also wondering if the problem related to the Gibbs paradox prevents from knowing all the positions and momenta of the gas particles.
Since the particles are indistinguishable, it seems impossible to make a list like this:
- particle $1$ has $q_1$ and $p_1$
- particle $2$ has $q_2$ and $p_2$ ...
Since we cannot label the particles as particle $1$ and particle $2$..