In Peskin and Schroeder Eq.(6.33), they introduced the concept of form factor
\begin{equation} \Gamma^\mu\left(p^{\prime}, p\right)=\gamma^\mu F_1\left(q^2\right)+\frac{i \sigma^{\mu \nu} q_\nu}{2 m} F_2\left(q^2\right)\tag{6.33} \end{equation}
where $q^2$ is four momentum.
And I also know the charge distribution can be linked to the form factor by a three-dimensional Fourier transform
\begin{equation} \rho(\mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{(2 \pi)^3} \int \mathrm{d}^3 \mathbf{q} F(\mathbf{q}) \mathrm{e}^{-\mathrm{i} \mathbf{q} \cdot \mathbf{r}} \end{equation}
where $\mathbf{q}$ is three momentum.
According to my naive understanding, in the Breit frame, we should have
$q^2=-\mathbf{q}^2$, $F(q^2)=F(-\mathbf{q}^2)$.
So, the charge distribution can be obtained from $F(q^2)$.
However, I have read some paper that say this is wrong for some systems, whose intrinsic size is comparable with the Compton wavelength. For example,, If I understand correctly, they think that relativistic effects are not taken into account here.
My questions are:
For a photon, the on-shell condition should be $q^2=0$, does $F(q^2)$ mean the photon is off-shell?
Why is this naive understanding wrong for some systems, where is the approximation made and why does this approximation fail?
If I just want to get the static charge distribution, can I directly take the 3D Fourier transform of $F(q^2)$?