I know that gravitational time dilation near a single body is:
$$T_2=T_1\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}} $$
Can you give gravitational time dilation formula when in proximity to multiple bodies?
I know that gravitational time dilation near a single body is:
$$T_2=T_1\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}} $$
Can you give gravitational time dilation formula when in proximity to multiple bodies?
A general formula doesn't exist, you need to calculate it (or evaluate it numerically) yourself depending in the specific parameters of your system. To evaluate it you first need to solve the Einstein equations and find the metric associated to your specific problem configuration. Given that you can proceed to evaluate the time dilation ad you would do with a single Schwartzschild body but using the metric tensor you have just found.