If you've ever been in an airplane taking off or a car taking a corner fast you'll know that you can feel the acceleration. This is commonly referred to as the g-force.
In general relativity this feeling of acceleration has a precise definition. It is called the proper acceleration. The definition is quite complicated but there is a simple way of understanding it. Drop an object then watch it to see if it accelerates away from you, and if it does then your proper acceleration is equal and opposite to the acceleration of the dropped object.
For example you may have seen video of astronauts on the International Space Station releasing objects and the object just floats next to them. This means their proper acceleration is zero, which we often describe as being weightless. Conversely if you drop an object it accelerates downwards at $9.81~\textrm{m/s}^2$ so your proper acceleration is 1$g$ - yes you are accelerating at 1$g$ even though you are not moving.
Anyhow, the point of all this is that when you are being accelerated by a gravitational field your proper acceleration is zero. This is unique to gravity. If I give you an electric charge and accelerate you with an electric field your proper acceleration will not be zero and you'll be able to feel the g-force. Likewise if I accelerate you using an airplane, car or even just an elevator. It is only when you are being accelerated by gravity that you feel weightless.
You may have heard it said that gravity is not a force, and statements like this are referring to the unique quality of gravitational acceleration i.e. that its proper acceleration is zero. In general relativity gravity is a geometrical property of spacetime not an external force being applied to you.