I'm a bit confused about the difference and relation between (quantum) nonlocality and entanglement.
To give some context about my confusion, I was reading this paper: Brunner, Nicolas, et al. "Bell nonlocality." Reviews of Modern Physics 86.2 (2014): 419.
Section 6.B.1 states:
The first inequality for detecting genuine multipartite nonlocality was introduced by Svetlichny (1987). Focusing on a tripartite system, Svetlichny derived a Bell-type inequality which holds for any distribution of Eq. (72). Thus a violation of such inequality implies the presence of genuine tripartite nonlocality. It should be noted that this in turn implies the presence of genuine tripartite entanglement
This seems to say that presence of genuine tripartite nonlocality $\implies$ genuine tripartite entanglement, in other words, all nonlocal states are entangled states? I imagine this as saying that entanglement is more general than nonlocality.
But then on the wiki page for Quantum Nonlocality under the heading Entanglement and Nonlocality, it mentions that quantum nonlocality and entanglement are not the same things. Of course I recognise wikipedia is not the most reliable source of information but I'm confused nonetheless.
It seems that entanglement is only a phenomenon of the quantum mechanics formulation, but nonlocality is independent of the model. I also know that there are forms of nonlocal correlations that are stronger than quantum mechanics (Ver Steeg, Greg. Foundational aspects of nonlocality. California Institute of Technology, 2009). But since entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon this seems to imply that nonlocality is more general than entanglement? How could it be possible to have stronger forms of nonlocality if any nonlocal system is entangled according to "Bell Nonlocality"?
I think perhaps I am not comparing equivalent things and maybe that is why I'm getting confused. I do notice that "Bell Nonlocality" was only talking about genuinely multipartite nonlocality, so perhaps only specific systems violating the Svetlichny inequality are both (genuinely multipartite) nonlocal and entangled while there are nonlocal but not entangled systems that do not violate the Svetlichny inequality. Or perhaps, there are so many definitions of nonlocality that a general statement can't be made?