My teacher was explaining the law zero of thermodynamics in a very smiliar way that is explained in the Kardar book. But he added an extra step involving the delta function that I didnt understand. Once you allow the two systems to exchange heat, the total number of microstates is
Which I understand because even though the two systems are exchanging energy, the total energy has to be $E=E_1+E_2$; that's why the delta function is used to restrain the energy. However, the next step I don't understand, my teacher changes $E_2=E-E_1$, in the equation above and states that the delta function is solved and then writes the expression that can be found on Kardar which is,
I don't understand what propriety of the delta function is being used to make it disappear from one equation to another. Why is it no longer necessary to use the delta function?