Let there be a rod lying on a frictionless surface (or just in deep space). A constant force $\vec F$ acts on the rod for infinitesimal time internal. The force acts at a point located at some distance from the center of mass of the rod.
The force causes an infinitesimal displacement $dr_{\rm CM}$ of the rod’s CM and an infinitesimal angle $dθ$ of rotation of the rod.
How much does kinetic translational and rotational energy change during this time interval?
My try.
Infinitesimal work done on the rod is
$\delta W = F dr$
Which equals changes of the translational and rotational energies of the rod:
$\delta W = F dr_{\rm CM} + \tau d \theta$
As the time interval is infinitesimal, we can assume that torque is constant and equals:
$\tau = F r$
The angle of rotation equals
$d\theta = \frac{dr}{r}$
So, we have
$\delta W = F dr_{\rm CM} + (F r)(\frac{dr}{r})= F dr_{\rm CM} + F dr$
Now if combine the last expression for δW with the first one, we get
$F dr = F dr_{\rm CM} + F dr$
Where we can see that
$F dr_{\rm CM}=0$
Which means that infinitesimal work on the rod does not change its translational energy. Apparently, this is wrong. What am I missing here?
Sorry my English and thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I’ve found a mistake in my reasoning. It is the infinitesimal angle, which is actually equal to
$d\theta = \frac{dr-dr_{\rm CM}}{r}$
For more detail, see comment №4, below the answer by Farcher.