I'm trying to compute to quantities with Hamiltonian and Dirac delta function but I don't how to do it properly. I'm stuck calculating the following quantity
$$ \frac{d}{dE} \left[ \theta(E-H(x,p;V)) \right]. \tag{1}$$ I know that the derivative of the Heaviside step function $\theta(x)$ is the dirac delta function $\delta(x)$ $$ \frac{d\theta(x)}{dx}= \delta(x)$$
So my guess would be the following:
$$ \frac{d\theta(E-H)}{dE}= \delta(E-H).$$
However if I use the chain rule I get: $$ \frac{d\theta(E-H)}{d(E-H)}\frac{d(E-H)}{dE}= \delta(E-H) \left(1-\frac{dH}{dE}\right).$$
The text I'm studying about areas in phase planes gives the following but leaves out a lot of intermediate steps:
$$ \frac{d}{dE} \left[ \theta(E-H(x,p;V)) \right]=\delta (p^2/2m+\phi-E).$$
Where $H=p^2/2m+\phi(x;V).$
The next step makes me equally confused, it gives the following equation:
$$ \int dp \delta (p^2/2m+\phi-E)=2m/p(x) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2)$$
Where the text tells it uses the formula $$\delta(f(p)) = \sum_i \delta(p-p_i)/|f'(p_i)|.$$
Questions How to understand the following equations:
$$ \frac{d}{dE} \left[ \theta(E-H(x,p;V)) \right] =\delta (p^2/2m+\phi-E)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1)$$
$$ \int dp \delta (p^2/2m+\phi-E)=2m/p(x) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2)$$