There is a type of relativity thought experiment where, in order to eliminate the problems caused by signal delay due to the finite speed of light, a lattice of clocks and rods (either automated or manned by technicians) is used to collect data on a strictly local basis about what happens where and when. It is essential that the clocks in the lattice are synchronized at the outset and a simple way to do this would be to travel around the lattice visiting each clock in turn and synchronizing it with a master clock that you carry with you.
The problem with this method is that the motion of the master clock will affect how fast it runs (there are velocities and accelerations) according to relativity, presumably slowing it down rather than speeding it up since moving clocks run slow, for sure, and I think accelerated clocks also run slow. Thus the clock that is synchronized with the master clock last will not be synchronized with the clock that was synchronized with the master clock first.
If the lattice is small, the effects will be tiny, and not even detectable, let alone problematic. In any case, if in the thought experiment a spaceship, at rest, is 300,000 kilometers long (one light second), but when going full speed is half that distance in length due to the Lorentz contraction, small differences between the times indicated by the lattice clocks would be negligible. The effects are not small or subtle.
Having said that, it would be convenient if there was a way to synchronize the clocks perfectly (or near as darn it), regardless of the size of the lattice and I'm wondering whether it would suffice to move the master clock very slowly over a very long period of time, to reduce the accelerations and speeds as much as one needs to, in order to get the total of the effects on the running speed of the master clock down to as low as one desires, effectively to zero, even with a big lattice, by which I mean a lattice with the same number of clocks, but with longer rods joining them: I don't want to complicate the question by varying the number of clocks, nor the number of ranks, files, and columns (if that's the right way to put it). I guess here I'm imagining taking an infinite amount amount of time to move the master clock all around the (finite) lattice.
Clearly the percentage slowing of the master clock will be less with smaller velocities and therefore smaller accelerations, but the amount of time that those effects operate will equally clearly be greater.
Not being very good a the math of relativity, I can't even figure out the effect of reducing the velocity on the total amount the master clock is set back. And the math of acceleration in relativity is a closed book to me.
The equation for gamma, according to, which is what you must multiply the aging rate at rest by to get the aging rate at velocity v is 1/(1-v^2/c^2)^0.5 but I haven't figured out how to use it to find out whether the increase in journey time is the greater effect than the decrease in aging rate. Math is not my strong point. The article doesn't give an equation for acceleration.
So my question is, does the total amount of time that the master clock gets set back by go down rapidly as the velocities and accelerations go down, even though the journey time goes up correspondingly? Dare one hope that it is as simple as halve the accelerations and velocities and the result is half the time deficit?