I largely agree with the sentiment of the answers above, expanding the fixed time boundary condition field in Fourier modes is always allowed, and the ladder operators have to obey the canonical commutation relations. I believe what is actually confusing you here, is the fact that you believe that these ladder operators are a priori assumed to annihilate some vacuum in some free theory. The short answer is, well, a priori, they don't need to. As a matter of fact their properties with the vacuum are never used in the rest of the perturbative expansion exposition by Peskin and Schroeder. Also, there seems to be some confusion about the equations of motion (EOM's) the fundamental field obeys. In particular, the field $\phi(t_0,x)$ does not obey any EOM's because it is given at a particular fixed moment of time. Hence it can be freely expanded into it's Fourier modes.
However, it just so happens that, regardless of the operator's $\phi(t_0,x)$ exact action on the physical Hilbert space, the interaction picture field $\phi_I$ as defined above obeys the Klein-Gordon equation of motion. The only assumption that need go into this is the requirement that the boundary field obeys canonical commutation relations. That allows an expansion of the interacting field in terms of Fourier modes, that in turn can be shown to be exactly the canonical ladder operators.
Let us show this. If $[\phi(t_0,x), \Pi(t_0, y)]=i\delta(x-y)$ and $$H_0=\int dx\frac{1}{2}(\Pi^2(t_0,x)+(\nabla\phi(t_0,x))^2+m^2\phi^2(t_0,x))$$
it is straightforward to show that
With this proven, there is no doubt in the world that in the canonical quantization scheme, this field will always be free, no matter how complicated the full Hamiltonian is. It is true that the representation the authors use for the fixed time boundary field is a bit ad hoc: why would it be a useful representation if you didn't know that the interacting field obeys the KG EOM and why would these ladder operators be related to the canonical ones? It may be relatively difficult to detect the connection. However, once you know this field's EOM, it becomes clear that the interacting field can be expressed in terms of such operators, and these operators can be shown to annihilate the perturbative vacuum.
Let us show a more streamlined way to do this: First, expand the field $\phi(t_0,x)$ in terms of it's Fourier modes
$$\phi(t_0,x)=\int\frac{d^3 p }{\sqrt{2E_p}}\left(f_p e^{i\mathbf{p x}}+f^{\dagger}_pe^{-i \mathbf {px}}\right)$$
We know by standard classical KG theory that the solution to
$$\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2+m^2\right)\phi_I(t,x)=0~~~,~~~ \phi_I(t_0,x)=\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}G(p)e^{i\mathbf{px}}\Rightarrow\\\phi_I(t,x)=\int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}G(p)e^{i\mathbf{px}-iE_p (t-t_0)} $$
This carries over operatorially, as Peskin and Schroeder note, to
$$\phi_I(t,x)=\int \frac{d^3p}{\sqrt{2E_p}}(f_pe^{i\mathbf{px}-iE_p (t-t_0)}+f^\dagger_pe^{-i\mathbf{px}+iE_p (t-t_0)})$$
Now it is a simple matter to find $\Pi(t_0,x)=\dot{\phi}(t_0,x)$:
$$\Pi(t_0,x)=-i\int d^3 p \sqrt{\frac{E_p}{2}}(f_pe^{i\mathbf{px}}-f^\dagger_pe^{-i\mathbf{px}})$$
Finally, now we can show that
$$f_q=\sqrt{\frac{2}{E_q}}\int\frac{d^3 x}{(2\pi)^3}(E_q\phi(t_0,x)+i\Pi(t_0,x))\\
f^\dagger_q=\sqrt{\frac{2}{E_q}}\int\frac{d^3 x}{(2\pi)^3}(E_q\phi(t_0,x)-i\Pi(t_0,x))$$
Now we cancompute the commutation relations between these operators and express $H_0$ in terms thereof, which finally allows us to show that when $H_0|0\rangle=0\Rightarrow f_q|0\rangle=0 $, showing that these operators are indeed free-field ladder operators in a non ad-hoc manner.
Exercise: Show that if $\phi(t_0,x)$ obeys canonical quantization relations, then the Heisenberg field $\phi(t,x)=e^{iH(t-t_0)}\phi(t,0)e^{-iH(t-t_0)}$, with $\mathcal H= \mathcal{H}_0+\mathcal{V}[\phi(t_0,x)]$ obeys the interacting EOM
$$\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial t^2}-\nabla^2\right)\phi(t,x)+\frac{\partial \mathcal {V}}{\partial \phi}=0$$