In this answer of the post "Wave packet expression and Fourier transforms" it is said that for the S.E. we have this property:
- If we start with an initial profile $ψ(x,0)=e^{ikx}$, then the solution to our wave equation is $ψ(x,t)=e^{i(kx−ω_kt)}$, where $ω_k$ is a constant that may depend on $k$.
I would like if someone can explain to know how we can obtain $ψ(x,t)$ from $ψ(x,0)$ in (or with the help of) the S.E.
EDIT: My first attempt was to compose the $ψ(x)$ function with an $f$ function defined as follow $f(u,t) = \frac{u}{k}-\frac{\omega t}{k}$ but I don't think it's possible in math to compose a function of one variable with another function of two variables, is it?