I am trying to derive the solution for oscillation of a mass of a heavy spring. I have classical spring-pendulum (harmonic pendulum) in mind with one side of spring attached to ceiling and suspended mass on the other side. Furthermore I am trying to express force at the ceiling. I want to get some ideas to which direction to go.
As I am understanding I am trying to find a solution of partial differential equation which is $f \left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}, \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial y}\right)$, where $\rho$ is linear longitudinal-density of a spring and $y$ position on a spring suspended from ceiling.
I am quite sure, it's possible to solve such kind of equation using separation of variables. Is that true? But furthermore I am wandering how to derive it first? I am seeking either for derivation or some ideas, which steps to take to derive it.
My initial guess was to discretize spring as sequence of massless springs and masses, but I wasn't able to integrate over them. The other idea, that I had was from Euler-Lagrange equations: $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial y}-\frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{y}}=0, $$ where $L$ is Lagrangian $L=T-V$. I expressed $dV$ as combination of elastic and gravitational terms, but I am not entirely sure if this makes sense. $$ dV=\frac{k}{2}dy^2+dm^2, $$ which yields integral expression for $V$: $$V= k\int_0^L\left(\frac{\rho(y)}{\rho_0}dx-1\right)+\int_0^L\rho(y)(L_0-y)dy $$ where $L_0$ is the rest length, $y$ is distance from the ceiling, $m$ is spring mass and $\rho$ is the longitudinal density, which is connected to local force. But this expression doesn't seem really useful for future work. What would be the right approach to that kind of derivation?