Long story short, i am a what some would call a visual thinker; i think in photos and videos. If i can't visualize it, i'm having a very hard time understanding it. For that reason, i've never understood electricity, but i really want to, so i thought i'd give it a shot here.
I recently wanted to 'understand electricity' as in the terms and what they represent; Volt is potential difference, Ampere is current (as in the number of electrons passing a crosssection of a wire in a second) and Ohm is resistance. But today i realized that i don't know anything about the consequences of changing any of the values.
What happens if i increase or decrease the voltage or the current provided to a.. DC motor? LED? laptop? toaster? TV?
What happens if i try to charge a laptop through a thunderbolt port, instead of the designated charger port? What happens if i try to charge it with more/less Watts than what it should get?
I can of course calculate the numbers using ohm's law, but there's not much 'real life' about that. So, what would happen to the devices? would they heat up? explode? stop working? would the toaster toast.... less? Could a laptop battery take damage from more/less watts?
Sorry if these questions are stupid, but it would really help me understand what to think of when working, playing or experimenting with electricity.