The book Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications, 2002, Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit, states the following
$$ \langle r|k\rangle \langle k|r\rangle = 1/V^N $$
where $|r\rangle$ are position states, $|k\rangle$ are momentum states, $V$ is volume and $N$ is number of particles. This is partof chapter 2.2 Classical Statistical Mechanics(pages 13-15), in a "derivation" connecting quantum partition function with the classical partition function. It seems to imply that the given expression somehow holds in the classical limit $\hbar \rightarrow 0$ but I am not seeing it. Is this a valid expression or some handwavy argument or some adhoc definition ?
The expression occurs in a derivation that connects the quantum expression for the partition function with a classical expression.
The derivation in the book goes as follows, $$\begin{aligned} \text{Tr}\exp(-\beta \hat H) &= \text{Tr}\left[\exp(-\beta \hat U)\exp(-\beta \hat T)\exp(-\beta \mathcal O([U,T]))\right]\\ \lim_{\hbar \rightarrow 0} \text{Tr}\exp(-\beta \hat H) &= \text{Tr}\left[\exp(-\beta \hat U)\exp(-\beta \hat T)\right]\\ \end{aligned}$$ This is called the classical limit and allows to pull kinetic and potential energy apart since all commutators, that are bundled in the term $\mathcal O([U,T])$, are in orders of $\hbar$ and vanish in the limit.
The next step is given as $$ \text{Tr}\exp(-\beta \hat H) =\sum_{r,k} \langle r|\exp(-\beta \hat U)|r\rangle \langle r|k\rangle \langle k|\exp(-\beta \hat T)|k\rangle\langle k|r\rangle \\ $$
Now we replace the quantum expressions by their classical analogs, including the expression that confuses me $\langle r|k\rangle \langle k|r\rangle = 1/V^N$ to obtain, $$\begin{aligned} \text{Tr}\exp(-\beta \hat H) &\approx \frac{1}{h^{dN}N!} \int dp^Ndr^N\ \exp(-\beta(U(r^N)+T(p^N)))\\ &\equiv Q_{\text{classical}} \end{aligned}$$
$U(r^N)$ is the classical potential energy as function of the N particle positions and $T(p^N)$ is the classical kinetic energy function of the N particle momenta.
Is the expression
$$ \langle r|k\rangle \langle k|r\rangle = 1/V^N $$
meaningful and if not, how does the proper derivation work ?