Could someone please explain the difference between potential, potential energy, potential difference (in all types, like electrical/gravitational etc.)?
Take potential for example: "The value of the potential at a point in space gives the amount of work that needs to be done to bring that object from infinity to that point" What does that even mean?
If we have an object in the Earth's gravitational field, isn't the potential within the object increasing as you take it away from the centre of mass, not if you bring that object from a place at infinity, with zero potential?
Also, without the dependance on formulas, how do I understand this intuitively:
At infinity, the potential energy of something is zero.
But when we think about it, as you raise an object higher, further from the surface of the Earth, it is said that the potential energy increases, and at the surface, you don't have any potential energy, as when it falls, it's converted into kinetic energy.
I'm not sure where my understanding is failing, please help.
Thank you.