You have think about what you are adding/averaging. You will generally find that the process can be linear, geometric, or harmonic. Rates are typically linear, so if a nucleus can decay in 2 ways, say 40Bq to "A" and 60 Bq to "B", the total decay rate is just the linear sum:
$$ \omega_{tot} = \omega_A + \omega_B = 40{\,\rm Bq} + 60{\,\rm Bq}= 100{\,\rm Bq}$$
Now I can rewrite the rate, $\omega$, as an inverse of the decay time ($\tau$):
$$ \frac 1 {\tau_{tot}} = \frac 1 {\tau_A} + \frac 1 {\tau_B} = 40{\,\rm Bq} + 60{\,\rm Bq}= 100{\,\rm Bq}$$
So, had I phrased the question in terms of time: "The state decays to A every 25 ms and to state B every $16\frac 2 3$ ms, what's the average time for any decay?", you would add the times harmonically:
$$ \tau_{tot} = \frac{1}{{\frac 1 {\tau_A} + \frac 1 {\tau_B}}}=\frac{\tau_A\tau_B}{\tau_A+\tau_B}=
\frac{0.000416\ldots\,{\rm s^2}}{0.0416\ldots\,{\rm s}}=0.01\,{\rm s}$$
This comes up in elementary circuits, where series resistors and parallel capacitors add linearly (which is clear from their physical construction), while parallel resistors and series capacitors add harmonically.
So what's speed? Well, it's usually called a rate of change of position, and sometimes redundantly used in "...traveling at a high rate of speed" in accident reports, so one may think it's a rate and should add linearly. The problem is the units we use, and the fact that it is a rate of distance, not time.
Had the problem been stated as a time required to cover a fixed distance:
"An object travels from A to B, covering a meter in $t_{AB}=\frac 1 {40}^{\rm th}$ of second, and B to A in $t_{BA}=\frac 1 {60}^{\rm th}$ of a second, what's the average time required to cover 1 meter?"
we could average linearly:
$$ t_{av} = \frac 1 2 (t_{AB}+t_{BA}) = \frac 1 2 \left(\frac 1{40}{\,\rm s/m}+\frac 1{60}{\,\rm s/m}\right) =\frac 1 {48}{\,\rm s/m}$$
but that is not how speed is commonly discussed. Rather, we talk about the distance covered in a fixed time, and the velocities must be averaged harmonically:
$$ \frac 1 {v_{av}} = \frac 1 2\left(\frac 1{v_{AB}} + \frac 1{v_{BA}}\right)=\frac 1 2 \left(\frac 1{40{\,\rm m/s}}+\frac 1{60{\,\rm m/s}}\right)=\frac 1 {48{\,\rm m/s}}$$